
Ichabod Jones: Monster Hunter #5 + Volume 1 Re-release

Created by Russell Nohelty

A Lovecraftian dark fantasy horror-comedy inspired by H.P. Lovecraft's Dreamlands and Cthulhu mythos but set in a Christian Apocalypse.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Complete Obsidian Spindle Saga collection is live on Kickstarter
4 months ago – Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 08:36:48 AM


Happy New Year :) I hope you had a great end to 2023, and are having a chill 2024. I just wanted to drop a quick note to let you know that my first Kickstarter of the year is live! You can get the complete 12-book series collection of The Obsidian Spindle Saga now. 

Do you adore fairy tales? Are you obsessed with mythology? Do you flip for portal fantasy? Then you'll love The Obsidian Spindle Saga.

Kickstarter link

This is my favorite series I've ever written. It contains several of my favorite books that I've ever written. If you have not read this series, and you love my work, then you will absolutely ADORE this series. If you have known of my work and been waiting to try something, then this is my best work.  

Portal fantasy is my absolutely FAVORITE genre of fiction, whether it's The Wizard of Oz, Alice In Wonderland, The Magicians, His Dark Materials, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe The Hazel Wood, Caraval, Ten Thousand Doors of January, Peter Pan, Coraline, or literally any other book about characters traveling to different places, worlds, realities, they are my jam. I poured all that love into this series. 

I've been working on this series since 2018, and I'm just so thrilled to be able to share the complete collection with you. These are Kickstarter-exclusive covers that will never be offered again after this campaign. 

Plus, early bird backers get all these awesome ebooks as a bonus just for backing. 

Kickstarter link

Hope to see you behind the backer wall again :) 


My new one-shot horror comic is ending soon
7 months ago – Fri, Sep 22, 2023 at 03:25:58 AM


Just wanted to let you know that my new horror comic, One Damned Good Thing, is only live on Kickstarter for a few more days. Once it's over, I have no plans of offering the floppy comic, or any of the covers, ever again.

Kickstarter link

One Damned Good Thing is a one-shot horror comic set in the Hospice universe about a terminally ill prisoner who is given a reprieve to live out his final days at a beautiful hospice. He quickly finds out that this hospice is more sinister than he could have ever imagined.

I'm working with Frank Martin (Grimm Space), Travis Gibb (Cthulhu Invaded Wonderland), Jamie Primack (Binary Star), Michael Watson (Fivestar), and David Byrne (Stake) to bring this dark, twisted, incredible world to life. All five campaigns are live right now!

Look forward to seeing you behind the backer wall!


My new one-shot horror comic is now live!
8 months ago – Wed, Sep 06, 2023 at 06:33:51 AM


I'm so excited to share with you my new one-shot horror comic set in the Hospice universe, Ond Damned Good Thing.

Kickstarter link

One Damned Good Thing is a one-shot horror comic set in the Hospice universe about a terminally ill prisoner who is given a reprieve to live out his final days at a beautiful hospice. He quickly finds out that this hospice is more sinister than he could have ever imagined.

Fans of my work have been asking me to do more horror work since Ichabod Jones: Monster Hunter launched back in 2014. I mainly work in fantasy, but I love horror comics. So, when Travis Gibb (Voodoo Nation) asked me to write a one-shot in a shared Hospice universe I was psyched to join up. When he told me that we would be working with David Byrne (Stake), Frank Martin (Grimm Space), Jamie Primack (Binary Star), and Michael Watson (Hotshot). I was over the moon. I love each and every one of them both as humans and as brilliant creators.

Kickstarter link

I'm working with Frank Martin (Grimm Space), Travis Gibb (Cthulhu Invaded Wonderland), Jamie Primack (Binary Star), Michael Watson (Fivestar), and David Byrne (Stake) to bring this dark, twisted, incredible world to life. They'll all be launching Kickstarter this month!

Kickstarter link

Early bird backers will receive ebook pdf copies of Boston Metaphysical Society #1, a Cthulhu Invades Wonderland preview, Digitopia #1, Fangs and Foul Play #0, Goth Ghost Girl #1, Man of Sin #1, Lone Wolf #1, The Children's Vampire Hunting Brigade #1, The Boy Who Came Closer, and Voodoo Nations #1.  Your early pledge will help us have the strongest possible launch!  Thanks so much! Look forward to seeing you behind the backer wall again.

-Russell   P.S. - Travis's campaign also launched this week, and it's awesome. You should check it out. Pledge

The Wicked Witch Academy is live on Kickstarter!
10 months ago – Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 07:06:13 AM


My newest duology, The Wicked Witch Academy, is live on Kickstarter! Are you in love with all things magic and witchy? Do you swoon for dragons? Did you love the Dragon Strife trilogy?

Then you'll love the Wicked Witch Academy!

Kickstarter link

I should be dead.

When I was five, the great dragon Ramidion sent an assassin to slaughter me. The gods blessed me that day, but my handmaid was not so lucky. She died so I could live.

When I was eight, Emperor Paraphal attacked my home with five thousand men and six dragons. The great dragon Ewig held them off while we escaped into the mountains, nearly sacrificing himself in the process.

Two years ago, they found us again, and my mother died saving my life. After that, I vowed that nobody would die to save me again. If Ramidion and Emperor Paraphal wanted me so badly, I would bring the fight to them.

Now I know how to make the whole of their kingdom come crashing down upon them. It will take all my cunning to infiltrate the Wicked Witch Academy and steal what I need to destroy my enemies, but I am so close to ending this that I can taste it. Nothing will stop me now.

Join Gilda’s daughter Ophelia in The Wicked Witch Academy duology, the epic follow-up to the Dragon Strife trilogy, and find out what happens when a girl chosen by destiny chooses to embrace the fate forced upon her by the gods.

Kickstarter link

This series takes place in my Dragon Strife universe and finishes the story that I started during Gilda's trilogy.  Dragon Strife plays with the idea that nobody is expendable because the world is changed by the people in it, even the smallest ones.

Gilda changed the world, but there were still a ton of unanswered questions left at the end of the third book, including but not limited to whether Ramidion would rain down fire on the upstart rebellion that the dragon Ewig started.

The Wicked Witch Academy allowed me a chance to give my spin on the academy trope in fantasy just like I twisted the chosen one narrative in the Dragon Strife trilogy.

I love academy books, but I've mostly read them in contemporary times. I wanted to tell an academy story set in an epic fantasy setting, and dealing with a main character who already knows she's the chosen one.

The academy isn't a way to learn about her powers. Instead, it's a means to an end. Ophelia knows that the only way to get to Ramidion is through the academy, so she has to hide her abilities in order to gain access to Ramidion's castle and destroy them.

This is another twist on the chosen one narrative and deals heavily with the weight we put on the young to save us from our mistakes. Most of my books revolve around this or a similar trope.

Hope to see you behind the backer wall again!


If you love Adventure Time, Regular Show, and Summer Camp Island, then my new comic is for you!
12 months ago – Wed, May 17, 2023 at 06:25:38 AM


My first BRAND-NEW comic in many years is live on Kickstarter right now, and it's very, very weird.  I'm so excited to share Lucifer Licorice with you :)

Kickstarter link

After being transformed into a licorice monster by a candy witch, Lucifer Licorice sets off on an epic quest to get his old life back.

Along the way, he travels through the kingdom with his tea towel ghost companion Moober encountering weird monsters trying to gobble him up, fighting against emo-demons determined to tear him down, and traveling into the bowels of heck itself learning the error of his ways so he can stop being so bitter and be transformed back into his old body.

With amazing covers by Angela Oddling, Emily Maneval, and Dee Fish, this is my first official all-ages book...and there's just sooo much merch!

Kickstarter link

I'm not great at merch. I love merch, but as a chronically ill human, I just don't have the ability to pack a hundred different items…which is why working with UHS is so great because they are amazing at merch. Loook at all this amazing stuff!

Don't you love it?!?!

We have been working on this book for FIVE YEARS, and I can't believe we can finally share it with you :)

Kickstarter link

Plus, Everyone who backs this week will receive an amazing digital print from Dee Fish, plus ebooks of Pistol #1, Ichabod Jones: Monster Hunter #1, Sunmaker #1, and The Wellkeeper #1. Physical backers will receive a physical version of Dee Fish's print.

Hope to see you behind the backer wall again :)
