
Ichabod Jones: Monster Hunter #5 + Volume 1 Re-release

Created by Russell Nohelty

A Lovecraftian dark fantasy horror-comedy inspired by H.P. Lovecraft's Dreamlands and Cthulhu mythos but set in a Christian Apocalypse.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The books cleared customs!
over 4 years ago – Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 12:58:59 AM

I just got an email from the customs agent. 

The books have cleared customs and they are scheduled to be delivered on Friday! Assuming this is the case, I'm going to spend all weekend packing boxes and delivering to the post office so that they can start being delivered next week. 

There are no guarantees in this world, but the books are in Los Angeles, past the final hurdle, and ready to be delivered when I get back into town from the holidays. I've already paid for the materials and the shipping fees, which means there are very few break points left. 

This is the time to fill out your surveys if you haven't already. 

If you need to change your addresses, now is the time to do it in Backerkit. I've sent final notices out, and another reminder for the 23 of you that haven't filled out your survey. 

If you need your survey, go here.

Also, I wanted to let you know that I'm trying to start a Patreon in 2020. I'm not doing it monthly, I will be doing it per creation, as I will likely not have something every month. 

If you're interested in getting an inside look at my process, then I recommend checking it out.

I won't be releasing my first update until I have at least $100/creation pledged, and right now we have only like $13, so it won't be soon unless a ton of you do it, but I would like to do one in 2020. The more gets pledged, the more time I can spend writing books and making new projects, instead of focusing on marketing clients. 

Thank you so much for waiting. I hope you've had a wonderful holiday season. I can't wait to share this book with you. 

Hopefully I can get it to you NEXT week, because I have another Kickstarter launching in two weeks, and I would love to have this delivered before it starts. It's for a book series related to my most popular universe, the Godsverse, which includes novelizations of my two most popular comics, Katrina Hates the Dead and Pixie Dust, along with 10 additional stories told over four book collections.

Happy New Year! I hope 2020 is an amazing year for you. 


Ichabod issue #7 is out!
over 4 years ago – Mon, Dec 02, 2019 at 01:38:33 AM

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Production samples are in and they look wonderful!
over 4 years ago – Tue, Nov 26, 2019 at 12:32:43 AM


I just received the production samples for Ichabod volume #1 and they look phenomenal. Honestly, I think this is the best printing yet. If you want to see the unboxing video, then here's a link. 

Unboxing video

I am soooo happy with them. I can't wait for you to get them in your hands. Now, what are the next steps? 

The books have to get on the boat, cross the ocean from China, clear US customs, and then get delivered to me.  

Once that happens I'm going to get them ready to ship out, and send them as quickly as possible. I have another Kickstarter running in January for novels, so ideally I'll have them shipped out by then, but if not I hope right after that. 

The biggest potential hurdle right now is both Chinese and US customs, which could add six more weeks onto the shipping. It doesn't happen often, but I have had it happen to me before. Not fun. 

I don't think it's going to be possible to get these books BEFORE Christmas, but it should be here soon after, assuming we don't get caught up in customs. 

I will, of course, try to keep you informed, but this is the last big update until the books arrive into port. If you are not receiving Ichabod volume 1 as one of your rewards, then you should have all your books, or they should be on their way. 

Remember, if you bought PINS, then they will be attached inside the box with tape. Please do not throw the box away without looking for those pins. 

Happy Thanksgiving everybody. 


The books are assembled!!!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 05:53:55 PM

I just got visual proof that the books are finished. I haven't looked at them in person, obvi, but the issue I had with the cover being off-center seems to have been fixed! I'm very very pleased with how this looks. I can't wait to get the production samples in my hand! 

So, what's next? 

Assuming the final production samples look as good as they look in pictures, the next step is getting them on a boat bound for the US. 

This is the longest time, honestly, as it takes about 6 weeks to cross the ocean. In addition, it could take up to 4 weeks to clear Chinese customs and 2 weeks to clear US customs. Generally, you don't get dinged for that long, but it has happened before. I'm hoping the books get here in mid January, but then might not be here 'til the end of February. 

We're very close, but still far away. Keep your fingers crossed that I can get these in when we get back from the holidays. 

That would be the best-case scenario. It will be a wonderful new year's gift for everybody, plus I have a really cool thing to share with you soon. I have been waiting to share it with you until I got these on the boat at least, but I hope you'll really like it.  


over 4 years ago – Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 05:53:15 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.