
Ichabod Jones: Monster Hunter #5 + Volume 1 Re-release

Created by Russell Nohelty

A Lovecraftian dark fantasy horror-comedy inspired by H.P. Lovecraft's Dreamlands and Cthulhu mythos but set in a Christian Apocalypse.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Do you want issues 6-8 MONTHS before anybody else can see them?
over 4 years ago – Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 07:57:38 AM


Many of you have asked me for a way to access the rest of the second volume, so I'm opening up a couple of brand new tiers which give you access to issues 6-8, digitally at least, within days of them finishing production.  

The sixth issue is set to finish production this month, the seventh issue in November, and then the eighth issue in January. 

However, the next Ichabod Kickstarter campaign is not set to launch until September of 2020, months after the eighth issue is complete. 

Several of you have told me you can't wait that long, and I heard you. 

Therefore, I'm opening up these one time only reward tiers where I will send you issues 6-8 AS THEY COMPLETE PRODUCTION. 

If you want to take advantage of this, then you have a couple options of how to do so.

  1. Increase your pledge to $20 in order to unlock digital editions of all four issues, or $25 to lock down all four issues and volume 1.
  2. Upgrade your pledge to the $43 or $75 levels and receive even more digital goodies, like my entire graphic novel, novel, and digital anthology collections, along with all four issues and volume 1.
  3. Add $15 to any pledge level you already have chosen and lock down issues 6-8.

I have never done a single issue campaign before, so I'm learning this as I go, but the second volume is 100% going to be completed, unless I die or something, and it will be done soon, so if you want to keep updated on the rest of volume 2, then here is your chance. 

Thank you so much. I know I keep saying it, but I cannot express how grateful I am for you joining me on this journey. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you. 


Project Spotlight


Indiegogo link

My friend Jeremy contacted me about an Indiegogo campaign he's running for the fourth volume of his series, Grinidon. 

If you like love dark fantasy stuff like Ichabod, or Niobe from Stranger Comics, I think you're going to dig this book. 

The detail is incredible. Here's a rundown of the book. 

I usually don't pimp Indiegogo campaigns during my Kickstarter, but this campaign is so cool looking AND it started its life on Kickstarter, so I am making an exception. 

Indiegogo link

352 backers!!!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 04:12:57 AM

Did you know you get an email from Kickstarter when you pass 352 backers? I have no idea why they do it that way, but they do. 

What's weird is that you do NOT get an email at 704 backers, or 1,000 backers, or any other number. Just 100, 352, and then...that's it. 

It's possible you get one when you get over 1039 backers, but I've never gotten there so I wouldn't know. 

But, yay!!! We've come so far in the past couple of weeks, and we've done it together :) 

To celebrate, I've dropped the prices on some of our higher priced items. 

I dropped the price of getting drawn as an Ichabod character down to $175 from $200, and being drawn into the book to $250, from $300. 

Additionally, I dropped the price of the Walter Ostlie original inks, which is the ONLY piece of original art I've ever offered during a campaign, down to $300, from $400. 

I'm also including two additional books in all those pledges, so the $175, $250 and $300 pledges now come with a second and third book, which gives it even more value. 

If there's something interesting to you that you would like to have a special bundle made for, please let know you. Usually if there's something that would interest YOU, it would interest other people as well. 

I've spent a lot of time making special bundles this campaign, and I'm happy to do it for you as well. Send me a PM, or head over to the Kickstarter page and select Manage your pledge to pick a new reward if anything above seems interesting to you. 

Kickstarter link

We're nearly the end game now. We're just $30 away from $10,000, and $5,000 to the goal. If we can reach $12,000 by the end of this week, then everybody will get the first volume of Serenity Rose for free, and we're less than 50 backers from unlocking the first issue for free. 

We're doing a good good thing, is what I'm saying :) 

Thank you. 




Matt Miner is a New York Times feature writer/editor, along with writing GWAR, POSER, and more. Plus, he's a friend of mine who makes awesome shit, and he's back on Kickstarter with his new book, Death Trap. 

Kickstarter link

It looks so good. Here's the rundown. 

Death Trap is the story of a young woman named Ollie who grew up in the Strongin Circus crime family, surrounded by sideshow freaks and weird clowns and a huge albino dancing bear named Wojtek.  Her Dad’s killed by a rival crime family at Davenport Amusements, and ends up haunting his old Mercury Cougar muscle car.  So Ollie and her dad’s ghost team up for some sweet, sweet, revenge.

I LOOOVE that summary, and the creative team is awesome, too. 

  • Matt Miner (words) - GWAR, Poser, Liberator, All We Ever Wanted
  • Christopher Peterson (art) - Grindhouse: Doors Open at Midnight, Mayday, Broken World
  • Josh Jensen (colors) - GWAR, Lab Raider, House of Fear, Doctor Crowe
  • Matt Krotzer (letters) - Strayed, Retcon, Lab Raider, House of Fear

This one is a far way from funding. They need $18,000 and are currently at $5,000, with 14 days to go, but I believe in this book and really want to see it happen. 

Kickstarter link

over 4 years ago – Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 05:18:58 PM

This. Is. ICHABOD!!! 

We have over 300 backers now, which is halfway to my goal of 600. That means if everybody tells three friends, and one of those friends backed, boom, we would be there. 

On Monday, I'm going to be unveiling a REALLY cool goal for the week. My favorite comic EVER still to this day, even though I've read thousands since it, is giving us a really special perk that you'll all get if we can move the backer needle next week. 

I am super flipping out about it, honestly, and I think you'll flip too when you head about it. 

We have 20 days left, and we have over $7,000  left to raise before we can make Ichabod happen, but I'm feeling good about it. I'm feeling very, very good in fact. 

And that's because of you. What an awesome and crazy birthday week. Thanks for helping make it a special one. 



Miskatonic High #4

I am a sucker for all things Lovecraft, so when I came across this project by Mike Shea, I couldn't resist backing it. 

Kickstarter link 

Here's the rundown: 

In issue #1, we learned that in the rustic hills of a small New England Berkshire town lies the prestigious Miskatonic High School. When the Community Service Club went on a field trip, they were launched  back to ancient Egypt and were nearly killed by an evil wizard and his tentacle monster. They escaped back to our century, but things will never be the same.

In issue #2, for Sarah Clarke, life at Miskatonic High had never been easy, being a poor, rural outcast. But when her friends came to help her on the family apple orchard, secrets better left unknown were unearthed and she and her classmates experienced a terror in the dark.

In issue #3, we saw that Ren Santos has it all: beauty, a sense of humor and burgeoning fame. She also has a secret that stares her in the face every moment of every day. That secret wouldn't stay hidden for long once she realized that she’s was being spied on. When her peeping tom sent two classmates to the hospital, Ren came to realize the dangers of  being idolized.

Now, in issue #4, Matt "Crash" Williams has always won at hockey by going for the goal. But when he and his friends find themselves in a war between ancient druids and terrifying saurians, he'll find out how far he has to fall. Fortunately, he just might have the tools to even the playing field.

It's a full-sized comic, 24 pages and in color. Available in print or in digital PDF. 

They've already hit their goal and unlocked one stretch goal, and are on their way to the second one. 

This is the one Mike already unlocked. 

This is the one they're working on. 

I love this concept, and I can't wait to read it. 

Kickstarter link

Closing in on $9,000 and 300 backers
over 4 years ago – Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 08:02:27 AM

We've moved right back $8,000 and are now closing in on $9,000. We still have over $7,000 left to raise, but we're at a good pace for now. 

I'm hoping to get up to $10,000 by the weekend, which will make the last two weeks considerably easier.  Nothing is settled until the last dollar is raised and we're actually over the funding hump, but I feel pretty good about where we are, and I'm over the moon for the enthusiasm you've shown for the book. 

This is the most ambitious Kickstarter I've ever done, trying to raise a project from the dead, and you have warmed my heart with your embrace of Ichabod. He was written at the darkest time of my life, and to see people rally around him, well it's like you rallied around me back then, and I can reach back and tell that guy it's going to be alright. 

My heart is a little heavy today, as I lived in DC during 9/11, and my uncle lived in NYC. I had plenty of friends who had families that worked in or near the WTC, and many that worked in the Pentagon, too. So, today is a hard day for me. 

You all help lift me up more than you will ever know. 

Thank you so much for all of your support. It means the world to me.


Project Spotlight

Every campaign I like to highlight really cool projects from my friends, and brand new ones I've found that I think you'll like. This one has been on my mind for a while, and with it being 9/11, I thought it was appropriate to highlight it, as it deals with another heinous act that rocked the USA. 


Las Vegas. October 1st, 2017. The worst mass shooting in American history. CSI creator Anthony E. Zuiker brings you an inside look.

Kickstarter link

My buddy Felipe Cagno is back on Kickstarter with a new book from CSI Creator Anthony Zuiker about the  Las Vegas shooting that gripped the hearts and minds of the nation. 

I expect this to be handled with the deftness of CSI and Felipe never disappoints me with his talent and skill as a writer. I love The Few and the Cursed, and even though this one is sure to be wildly different, I trust him to deliver something amazing and eye-opening. 

The art is just incredible and sets an unsettling, almost surreal mood to the story. 

As I am a frequent visitor to Vegas and the shooting broke my heart. As the creator of CSI, set in Vegas, I am interested to see what Zuiker has to say about the tragedy. 

We're halfway there!
over 4 years ago – Mon, Sep 09, 2019 at 08:28:40 AM

Whoa. We're living on a prayer now. We're just $50 away from $8,000, and less than $7,800 to goal. 

Kickstarter sent me the halfway there email earlier this morning, and I was just so relieved. Getting to half funding in the first week is an awesome accomplishment, but there's a lot left to do. 

Thank you so much for joining me on this journey.  By my count, we need 331 more backers to fund this and get you the books, and I'm confident we can find them. If you know anybody that Ichabod would be perfect for, let them know. I am so psyched right now, but keeping up momentum is very hard. Luckily, I have all of you pulling for me, and that means a lot. 

Also, if you are looking for other cool projects, I happen to be in one with a bunch of my friends called Modern Mythology. 

Kickstarter link

Modern mythology is a 160+ page softcover anthology edited by Caleb Palmquist, featuring 17 stories by 29 talented creators, plus a collection of incredible pinups by additional independent comic book artists. We're all jamming out to our favorite mythologies, and giving them modern twists. 

The cover was drawn by my good good friend Angela Oddling, who has a story inside, along with Greg Anderson Elysee (who has a brand new Isnana story to share), Katrina Kunstmann, Trey McDonald, Clay Adams, John Edingfield II, Jonathan Fisher, Ryan Koboth, Dee Parson, and those are just the ones I personally know. 

My story is a modern retelling of Theseus and the Minotaur, drawn by one of my favorite collaborators, Nic Touris. Nic drew our mascot AND Pixie Dust, my best selling graphic novel. 

 I am sooo thrilled with how the story turned out. I can't wait to share it, and I can't wait for you to read it. 

If you love mythology, check this one out today. 

Kickstarter link